School Kitchen Project

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There are many schools in rural areas that don’t have a kitchen for children to get lunch while they are in school. We successfully raised funds to build a kitchen for the children in the Bak Angrut primary school of Chikreng district in September 2018. This was a huge project and a huge success.
There are many primary-aged children in Cambodia with no food to eat at school and this is their painful reality. We need your support to help build more kitchens for schools currently lacking them in various communities.

Education and health are two major issues to people who are living in poverty. We believe that a school kitchen, children are guaranteed at least one meal per day. This will help them grow in good health and have energy to learn.

Through the kitchen project, donors can help to build a kitchen and purchase cooking materials. They can also support the daily school food program by providing either food or funding for food which would include rice, cooking oil, protein and vegetables for all the children in the school.

Number of children attending at kitchen

The total number of children who attend the local school is approximately 280 children. On average, there are 140 children who do not have their own food and find themselves eating someone else food. We offer food two times daily for all these children.

Project mission

This project relies on close cooperation between CBAVC and local communities. CBAVC works with local builders, teachers and community leaders to arrange the project .

Goal of kitchen project

To ensure all of 280 children who are living in the areas around CBAVC, which is presently in Bak Angrut village, to have lunch at school and provide them with sustainable health. We also provide food to families who are disabled and cannot cook or get food on their own.

Project budget $17,000 USD




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Make a Donation

Without donations like yours, however, the CBAVC will not have funds to keep operating. A financial gift from you will be a big help in reaching our goal. More details...

Location Address

National Road No.6, #165, Bak Angrut Village, Kork Thlork Kraom Commune, Chikreng District, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Contact Details

Phone in Cambodia: (+855) 092373730
Phone/Telegram: +1(612) 258-9620
E-mail: sanvan@cbavc.org / info@cbavc.org

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