I. Education Program
We provide the education to local students and establish the school and library to improve the children's reading and knowledge. Our vision is to see children and youth having access to free education and developing a strong sense of morality to contribute towards a society of prosperity and peace for Cambodian children.
CBAVC School Project
We build school to access education to local students with English, computers and painting classes, including the village school library to improve the children's reading and knowledge. More details...
II. Community Development
The community program we focus on the construction of water wells to access clean drinking water for families in most need, and installing toilet facilities for improved sanitation for communities, and rural agriculture development project by improving small infrastructure and new irrigation systems in community.
Clean Water Well Project
Cambodia is a developing country but is still incredibly poor in many areas. This project aims to assist the Cambodian government to reduce poverty and the illnesses that are caused by unclean water. Our wells are made from digging with a concrete base at the surface and they generally go down about 10 to15 meters deep. More details...
Toilet and Sanitation Project
Cambodia is still struggling with having basic toilet and bathroom sanitation that would be up to a reasonable standard. This means that regular toilets, privacy when using the bathroom, soap, along with clean water for the bathroom is sometimes not present in a home or school. When finances permit, we build toilet facilities for families and communities. This increases sanitation, reduces health risks and increases dignity. More details...
Rural Agriculture Development Project
We have set up this program to include learning, training, and support for local families to produce clean water systems and increased agricultural supply. This includes setting up demonstration farms for people to be trained from, animal husbandry such as organic cows and pigs, and compost fertilizer production, organic vegetable growing, and improved small infrastructure systems in communities. More details...
III. Volunteer Program
We work with our volunteers around the world to help homeless people in communities. We know that people love to be involved in the projects they donate funds to, so we offer the opportunity for you to volunteer your time to come Cambodia and build the house, toilet, and water well you pay for. Volunteers are welcome to share their knowledge, skills and activities in supporting the projects.
Volunteer Build a House Project

You can join us in reducing homelessness by volunteering time to help us build houses as well as assisting in raising funds for the materials to build the house. Volunteers learn about the impact on many people here through building the house for family in our project. More details...
Community Volunteer Project
This is an unforgettable adventure that will take you to local communities and contribute to ongoing projects. Experiencing local home stays, meeting fantastic people and learning new things about the local people, sweet elephant sanctuary, ancient temples, culture and history of Cambodia on this journey. More details...